Hamilton-Holmes Middle School (HHMS) is a public school located in King William, Virginia. The school serves students, grades 6-8, within King William County and the neighboring counties of Caroline, King and Queen, Hanover, and New Kent. Located approximately 35 miles northeast of Richmond, King William has a population of 16,939 and is considered part of the Richmond Metro Area.
The school itself is named for two inspiring advocates of education. Miss India Hamilton began her teaching career at Mangohick School, and her career continued as an educator and supervisor for people of color in King William County. She also promoted the "Negro Organization Society" in King William, which was coordinated through the church-school community with an emphasis on education, including manual and academic skills. Among his outstanding achievements, the Reverend Dr. S.B. Holmes established the King William Academy in 1903, which later became the King William Training Academy in 1922. Prior to this, there was no public schools for African Americans in the county.